
10 Ways to Build a More Eco-Friendly Home

Embracing a natural lifestyle offers numerous benefits for body, mind, and spirit, and there are countless ways to begin this journey. Many involve straightforward adjustments that can be implemented anywhere, like transitioning to natural body care and cleaning products, or opting for reusable bags and water bottles. Once you’ve adopted these small changes, you may find yourself eager to extend your eco-friendly habits to your home.

According to Elemental Green,


What makes a home environmentally friendly is open to interpretation. Some people believe that simply adding green features (such as solar panels on the roof) is enough to qualify a standard home as green. Others argue that certification through green building programs such as LEED is the only way to be sure a home meets adequate sustainability standards. Regardless of opinion, most people agree that sustainable home building offers numerous advantages to both homeowners and communities.


Green home house plans and green building features offer the following benefits:

  • Environmental stewardship. Building green helps ensure minimal damage to the environment, protecting our air, water and wildlife for future generations.
  • Economic advantage. Many sustainable home elements pay for themselves many times over in lowered utility bills. Green homes also sell faster and at a premium compared with conventional homes.
  • Improved comfort. Many green features, such as air sealing and insulation, make for a cozier, more comfortable home.
  • Aesthetic appeal. Today’s home builders and designers can choose from an astonishing selection of sustainable materials and home elements at all price points. Many stand out for their beauty and visual interest, leading to infinite possibilities in design.

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