
Building Codes and Innovative Funding Frameworks

We understand that you experience the effects of the warming climate in California, which increases our vulnerability to fires, floods, and droughts. Simultaneously, housing prices are escalating beyond the reach of many families.

According to Build It Green, building codes are a major part of the legal environment around development. Fire and electrical codes, for example, have helped reduce the danger of fires for decades and saved the lives of thousands of people. Codes are an important tool for improving the way we build our homes and communities so that people and natural systems can thrive. At the same time, codes can be hard to interpret, difficult to implement with limited benefits or have unintended consequences. They can also make building more expensive and stifle innovation.

BIG imagines a better, more effective code system for California. A new-and-improved system would be transparent, flexible and easy to engage with. It would confirm baseline safety and performance, while also encouraging innovation. Over the course of this year, BIG will host monthly 60-90 minute facilitated sessions with a broad range of stakeholders focused on California’s building codes—how we can shift them to promote innovation, the leverage points and methods we can take advantage of to evolve the codes, and the key stakeholders we need to invite in to create the transformation we hope for.