
DOE Announces $240 Million for States and Cities for BPS and Innovative Building Codes

According to USGBC, the Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced the selection of roughly $240 million to 19 state and local governments to adopt and implement innovative building energy codes, zero energy codes or building performance standards (BPS). States and local governments with the authority to adopt building codes were eligible to apply.

As indicated by DOE in August, the next deadline for eligible jurisdictions to apply for the remaining funding, roughly another $240 million, is Sept. 13, 2024. Unlike the first round of funding, DOE no longer requires applicants to submit a concept paper prior to submitting an application.

Cities (and one county) comprise the majority of the awardees (15), while four state governments make up the rest of the funding. There are also examples of interesting coalitions receiving awards. For example, Cincinnati is partnering with Cleveland, Columbus and Dayton in Ohio to collaboratively develop a BPS and coordinate on implementation.

Additionally, 17 out of 19 total awardees are projects that relate to the adoption or implementation of a BPS. This emphasizes how BPS policies are increasingly viewed as a crucial strategy for decarbonizing existing buildings. View a full list and descriptions of the selected projects.

The competitive grants build upon roughly $400 million in formula funding for technical assistance for states and territories to adopt the latest codes. Letters of intent to reserve formula funds were due this past January, with full applications accepted on a rolling basis until Sept. 30, 2025.

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