Architecture and DesignNewsletter

Northside Home Built With Radically New Housing Model

A new home in Milwaukee is the first home built with LUSH’s (Lange Urban Sustainable Housing) modular construction design.

According to Urban Milwaukee, the 1,300-square-foot home is the first built with LUSH’s (Lange Urban Sustainable Housing) modular construction method.

Using the Lange family’s multi-generational history in woodworking, virtually all of the structure was precut in an indoor, off-site facility. It was then delivered to the construction site where four individuals with rubber mallets and a telehandler (a high lifting forklift) put it together in four days.

“In a week you can have a framed house,” said Lange, the CEO of the firm. “There is no nails or glue in the structure when it’s being assembled.”

The structure is effectively a series of repeated plywood arches assembled from interchangeable pieces that are numbered and spaced at four-foot intervals. It arrives in a semi-trailer designed to be unloaded in the order the pieces are needed. It also uses less wood and generates substantially less on-site waste.

“In a sense, it’s like a LEGO kit,” said Lange of the methodology, for which design and process patents are pending. “When something comes off the truck it goes right into the house.”

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