
Public Utilities Commission Approves San Diego Community Power

According to CALCCA, San Diego County residents scored a major victory last week when the California Public Utilities Commission approved San Diego Community Power and the County of San Diego’s application to create the state’s newest regional energy network, SDREN, which is poised to bring $124.3 million in energy efficiency programs to the region through 2027.

“This new regional energy network will provide pathways for San Diegans to make their homes and businesses more energy efficient,” said California State Senator President pro Tempore Emeritus Toni Atkins. “Programs that empower us to conserve energy, reduce stress on the grid, and lower greenhouse gas emissions make our state more resilient and help us reach our climate goals.”

Regional energy networks, or “RENs,” deliver energy efficiency benefits via equity programs to underserved customers and communities. Community Power, in partnership with the County of San Diego, will serve as the portfolio administrators on behalf of SDREN and will serve customers across San Diego County.

“The County of San Diego welcomes its partnership with Community Power to steward SDREN,” said Chief Sustainability Officer Eden Brukman. “The programs offered are key actions to help reach our regional zero-carbon emissions goals and improve livability for everyone in the San Diego region.”

The approved SDREN portfolio consists of 10 programs that are designed to address the diverse needs of the San Diego residential, commercial, public and cross-cutting sectors.

  • Residential Sector:
    • Single Family Program: Creates a concierge-style home energy advisor service, connecting residents to program information, funding and financing opportunities and offers rebates and incentives.
    • Multifamily Program: Targets multifamily property owners, managers and tenants offering incentives and rebates and customized technical assistance to address facility upgrades that impact both common area measures and renter-specific in-unit utility bill savings.
  • Commercial Sector:
    • Market Access Program: Provides performance-based incentives to project developers who deliver peak demand reductions and verified energy savings. This program offers customizable services and financial benefits to underserved businesses and delivers energy efficiency and electrification upgrades.
    • Efficient Refrigeration Program: Offers energy efficiency education and no-cost, direct installation of efficient refrigeration equipment to small businesses, supporting energy cost savings and stocking of healthy, fresh, affordable food products.
    • Small- and Medium-Sized Business Energy Coach: Engages with small- and medium-sized businesses providing technical assistance and facility benchmarking and energy efficiency opportunity assessments, supporting access to available funding and financing, and offering measures at no cost.
  • Public Sector:
    • Tribal Engagement: Creates a pathway for Tribes and Tribal organizations in the San Diego region to develop and implement energy-related initiatives.
    • Climate Resilience Leadership: Provides customized guidance and technical services to public agencies for identifying and implementing energy efficiency projects.
  • Cross-Cutting:
    • Workforce Training and Capacity Building: Focuses on skill development for new and incumbent workers, aiming to build accessible pathways into the green workforce.
    • Energy Pathways Program: Provides high school students with personalized guidance and access to a diverse network of mentors and training resources to develop students’ skills and awareness of green career pathways.
    • Codes and Standards Program: Supports local government permitting agencies to enhance energy code compliance and embrace advanced energy codes, standards, and policies.

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