
Strategies to Maximize High Efficiency Appraisals for Builders

Being able to accurately appraise higher efficiency homes is a growing need, especially as more builders adopt green building products and practices. In recent years, this has proven difficult as some energy efficiencies aren’t as visible as others.

According to the National Association of Home Builders, This is the issue several appraisal and building industry experts delve into in the latest NAHB BizTools video Leveraging Energy Scores to Receive Higher Appraisal Values. Presenters Steve McKanna, cofounder of the Home Building Energy Efficiency Academy; Judson Willis, a green builder with Lexar Homes; Ryan Riveras, CEO of Accelerated Appraisal Management Company; and Jacob Hooper, regional director of inspectors for ICS Inspectors, aim to educate home builders on how energy scores can help them obtain higher appraisal values, sell more homes and increase their lead conversion.

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