NewsletterThird-Party Certification

Third-Party Energy Efficiency Standard Continues to Prove Itself a Valuable Marketing Tool

The ENERGY STAR energy efficiency certification program has survived many shifts in the political winds since its 1992 launch, because of its continued popularity. ENERGY STAR is a valuable marketing tool for United States appliance manufacturers and builders, among other industry stakeholders. Whether or not it survives over the next four years is yet unknown, but for now, the program continues to provide consumers with reliable, easy-to-understand information about energy efficient products and homes.

According to Clean Technica, By 2017 the program’s familiar blue and white logo had become a coveted symbol of industry excellence, a motivator of innovation, and a valuable marketing tool, which explains why manufacturers and other private sector stakeholders rose in its defense.

On February 18, the CleanTechnica inbox received a press release from the leading home builder Stone Martin Builders that illustrates why leading firms continue to pursue Energy Star certification. They recognize that home buyers value energy efficiency. Stone Martin emphasizes that angle, stating that it is “Alabama’s leading home builder offering ENERGY STAR-compliant single-family homes in the Opelika-Auburn area.”

“To celebrate its partnership with the EPA program, the Opelika home builder announced plans to construct more than 800 ENERGY STAR-certified homes across Alabama in 2025,” Stone Martin adds.

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